ETS2025 Tallinn, Estonia
30th IEEE European Test Symposium
May 26 - 30, 2025
Tallinn, ESTONIA


An Anniversary Forum at the 30th IEEE European Test Symposium

Call for Contributions (PDF)

ETSteams 2025 is a forum for the European Test Symposium community’s research teams from all continents to honour their diversity and excellence throughout the fascinating history of ETS. The anniversary forum will spotlight the historical focus and achievements of teams and their current research, and facilitate networking for collaborations. A 30-year history of ETS indicates sustained credibility in the academic community, recognized worldwide as a prestigious venue to present cutting-edge work. Over time, the symposium’s themes and topics naturally evolved in step with the field, yet ETS maintained its role as a centre of gravity for collaboration across time zones, institutions and generations. 

We expect one contribution per each interested ETS community’s research team or institution, whereas each contribution is twofold: 

  • Two-page section for a single joint formal publication representing a historical snapshot of the ETS community. It will be published as a part of the ETS’25 Formal Proceedings and archived in the IEEE Xplore. The submission for peer-review should be via ETS’25 Submission Website and has the following rules: 
    • 2 pages in the IEEE two-column format (A4 size only); 
    • suggested subsections: a) Historical perspective; 2) Current research, frameworks and projects; c) Connection to ETS and Outlook; 
    • limit of 5 co-authors and 5 references per submission (refs. excluded from page count);
    • additional references or acknowledged persons may be noted in footnotes;  
    • acknowledgements to funding may be included as a footnote to the section title; 
    • the camera-ready version of the accepted section must be submitted as an Overleaf project (for subsequent integration by the organizers). 

Example: If 20 research teams contribute with their sections each at the upper limits of the size and the number of co-authors and references - the joint publication will feature 100 co-authors, 40 main pages and 100 references, i.e. totalling approximately 43 pages.  

  • An interactive presentation at the ETSteams 2025 anniversary forum session on Tuesday, May 27, resembling an exhibition/poster session. Each accepted research team will be provided with a booth equipped with a high table and a poster stand. At least one team member must be registered and present at the event. 

The organizing committee will review the proposals for technical content and format, typically expecting one team per institution. Participation from industrial research teams is encouraged, with the aim of fostering the forum's objectives and avoiding overuse for commercial purposes.


Submission: February 21, 2025
Notification:  March 7, 2025
and Registration:  March 31, 2025




Submit here: ETS'25 Submission Website 



Maksim Jenihhin, TalTech, EE

ETS’25 Anniversary Activities Chair