Industrial Papers
The IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS) will host a paper and presentation track dedicated to industrial contributions. Works applicable to this track are all referring to report novel industry practices in test and new ideas in early stage of development where preliminary results are available. Moreover, all papers with at least one contributor from the industry, submitted for inclusion in the main programs but not accepted will be eligible for inclusion in the industrial track. You are invited to participate and submit your contributions to the industrial track of ETS’25. In addition to the regular topics, topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following topics:
- Analog, mixed signal and RF test
- Test of very high-power devices for EVs, industrial and computing applications test
- Processor and microcontroller test
- Thermal management during test
- Screening of defectivity introduced at back-end assembly
- Reliability testing
- Package-level test: SLT, ATE, burn-in optimization methods (including advanced packages)
- Wafer-level probe: full wafer, multi-site, singulated die test solutions
- ATE solutions
- Test economics
Each submitted paper should be a complete PDF manuscript, from two (2) pages (extended abstract) up to six (6) pages (inclusive of all figures, tables, and bibliography) in a standard IEEE format: A4 pages, two columns, single spaced, 10 points Times New Roman font. IEEE template and guidelines can be found [here].
Key Dates
- Industrial paper submission: February 28, 2025
- Notification of acceptance: March 14, 2025
- Camera-ready manuscript: March 31, 2025
- Author registration: March 31, 2025
Submission Website
Submissions should be made electronically as a single PDF file. Click [here] to submit your paper.
Publication and Presentation
All accepted industrial papers have to be presented as an in-person oral talk at ETS'25. They will also be published in the Informal Digest of Papers with a page limit of 6 pages. The Program Chairs in collaboration with Industrial Board Chairs have the right to include the top three best industrial papers in the official (formal) conference proceedings published in IEEE Xplore. These papers will be labeled with "Industrial Paper" tag and have a maximum length of 4 pages.
Contact Information
Industrial Board Co-Chairs
- Davide Appello, Technoprobe,
- Filippo Persia, Marvell,
ETS'25 Program Chairs
- Matteo Sonza Reorda, Politecnico di Torino,
- Arnaud Virazel, LIRMM - University of Montpellier,